Recreation and Leisure

Customized solutions for recreation and leisure facilities

LuxVision offers versatile LED display solutions designed to enhance recreational and leisure facilities, both indoors and outdoors. From dynamic indoor signage to durable outdoor displays, our products transform environments and engage visitors in immersive experiences.

Immerse your visitors with our comprehensive display solutions

LuxVision's LED displays offer a versatile solution for recreation and leisure facilities. Whether in lobbies, atriums, or outdoor signs, our innovative audiovisual solutions create immersive experiences for your visitors.


Digital lobbies

Digital lobbies enhance the visitor experience, promote activities, and improve wayfinding, making them an essential tool for modern recreational spaces.

Outdoor signage

Digital outdoor signage offers dynamic communication, engaging visitors with real-time updates, event schedules, and important announcements.

Sports facilities

Provide a professional and interactive environment for local sports events and recreational activities while enhancing engagement for participants and spectators alike.

Enhance your recreation experience with LuxVision

Experience the power of high-resolution LED displays that bring your recreational activities to life. Tailored to energize and enhance your space, our innovative solutions provide the perfect backdrop for every activity, ensuring visitors have a memorable experience.

Engage and inform

Digital signage in recreation centers not only guides visitors but also creates an interactive and informative environment. From showcasing event schedules to highlighting membership benefits, our solutions keep your community engaged and informed.

Built to perform

Our digital displays are engineered for durability and high performance, even in the busiest recreation centers. With robust construction and advanced technology, they deliver clear, vibrant visuals that withstand the demands of high-traffic settings.